This is a cause of diarrhea that you don't want to miss!
difficile: this organism colonizes the intestinal tract after the normal gut
flora have been altered by antibiotic therapy! It is one of the most common
healthcare-associated infections and can have detrimental effects, particularly
in the elderly
Disease Spectrum: ranges from asymptomatic carrier
state to severe fulminant disease with toxic mega-colon
- Carrier: 20% of adults in hospital are “carriers” who shed C. difficile in their stools, but do not have diarrhea. The rate of “carriers” is higher in long-term care facilities, creating a reservoir for contamination.
- C. difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD): watery diarrhea (i.e. 10-15 BM/day), cramping, lower abdominal pain and low-grade fever. Often accompanied by leukocytosis
Antibiotics: the most common culprits that
create a pre-disposition to CDAD include clindamycin, fluroquinolones,
clindamycin, cephalosporins, and penicillin.
Physical Exam: lower abdominal tenderness.
Signs of volume depletion may be noted.
CT abdomen in the setting of pseudomembranous colitis, demonstrates thickened
colonic wall
Endoscopic Findings: shallow-ulcers may be noted on
the mucosal surface of the intestine. The ulcers allow for release of mucous,
inflammatory cells and proteins; these manifest grossly on the mucosal surface
as “pseudomembranes.” These pseudomembranes are raised yellow or light coloured
plaques; they are essentially pathognomonic for C. diff infection. The scope
may also demonstrated friable bowel with erythema or bowel wall edema.
- Disease recurrence and/or re-infection: develops in 10-25% of patients
- Fulminant colitis, which may lead to Toxic Megacolon
- Toxic Megacolon: bowel dilatation (>7 cm in its greatest diameter), with evidence of associated toxicity.
- Bowel perforation
- Extra-colonic involvement (rare): small bowel involvement, reactive arthritis, appendicitis, etc
Making the Diagnosis
Need moderate-to-severe diarrhea
or ileus and either:
- Stool test: positive for C. difficile toxins or toxigenic C. difficile
- Endoscopic or histologic findings of pseudomembranous colitis
C. diff in patients with >2-3 loose, watery BM per day for at least two days
C. difficile toxin (s) or toxigenic C. difficile organisms
- PCR (Preferred, as it is very sensitive & specific, with results available quickly!)
- Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for C. diff GDH (cannot distinguish b/w toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains)
- EIA C. diff toxins A &B (sensitivity 75%, specificity up to 99%)
Management- Broad Principles
- Infection control policies (contact precautions), washing hands with soap and water (may be more effective than EtOH-based hand sanitizers in removing C. diff spores)
- Monitor electrolytes, volume status, fluid losses, etc
Specific Therapy
Non-severe disease, initial
· Metronidazole (Flagyl) 500 mg PO TID x 10-14 days
effects: dose-dependent peripheral neuropathy, nausea
may be slightly less efficacious than vancomycin *(more literature required)
· Vancomycin 125 mg PO QID x 10-14 days
~50% of patients have positive stool cultures assays for up to 6 weeks after
completion of therapy. Thus, do NOT repeat the stool culture a few weeks after
therapy if the patient is clinically well!!
Re-infection & Disease Relapse
A large
proportion of these cases are actually re-infections rather than relapses. Recurrence occurs in up to 25% of those treated initially (i.e. with
flagyl or vancomycin). These recurrences generally occur within 1-3 weeks after
completion of antibiotics. Risk factors for recurrence include: age >65
years, severe underlying medical conditions, and the need for ongoing
antibiotics during treatment.
Initial recurrence: consider a course of Vancomycin
or Fidoxamicin
Subsequent Recurrence: consider vancomycin in a pulse
tapered fashion, Fidaxomicin or Rifaximin +/- probiotics
Fecal Bacteriotherapy: something to consider! Only done at certain centers
of severe infection: WBC >15, AKI (Cr> 1.5x baseline), complications
(i.e. shock, toxic mega-colon)
guidelines from the IDSA recommend vancomycin (oral) as the first line therapy
for severe C. diff infection.
· Major advantage of vancomycin vs.
flagyl: Vancomycin allows for more maximal concentrations of the drug to act
intra-colonically. Prescribe Vancomycin 125 mg PO QID
If these patients with severe disease on vancomycin fail to improve clinically, consider Fidaxomicin
If these patients with severe disease on vancomycin fail to improve clinically, consider Fidaxomicin
Non-Antibiotic Management
- Surgical intervention: may be required in severe cases, or those with perforation, necrotizing colitis, or toxic megacolon
- Consideration of probiotics
- Anion-binding resins: consideration for the future (i.e. tolevamer)
- IVIG: described for refractory, severe cases in some case-report literature
NEJM (2011): Fidaxomicin versus Vancomycin for Clostridium difficile Infection
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