Thursday 20 September 2012

some more respirology

Firstly, thanks again to Dr. Stephanie Leung who taught about chronic cough yesterday. 
Here is a link to a review on cough. (who knew there was a journal called "cough"?)

Today we went through a case that presented with dysphagia. Here is a good decision tree to direct your history.

He ended up having a large pleural effusion. This led us to a discussion on the classification of pleural effusion (transudative and excitative) as per Light's criteria (this wil take you to the reveiw article by Lights himself).

Reminder lights criteria predicts exudative effusion if ONE of:

  • pleural protein / serum protien >0.5
  • pleural LDH/ serum LDH >0.6
  • pleural LDH > 2/3 upper limit of normal serum LDH

SPAG (serum-pleural albumin gradient) >12 points towards a transudative effusion in cases that clinically seem transudative but based on chemistry of the pleural tap have a exudative picture. (such as after diuresis)

This is the LINK to our procedure website that has a video and tips about thoracentesis.

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