Saturday, 31 August 2013

Acute Exacerbation of COPD: Some Key Points

A few key points on patients presenting with Acute Exacerbation of COPD

Diagnosis of COPD:
1)     Presence of symptoms compatible with COPD (i.e. SOB at rest and SOBOE, cough +/- sputum, progressive limitation of activity)
2)     Spirometry: Obstructive pattern/airflow limitation, with FEV1/FVC <0.70 PLUS FEV1 <80% predicted with incomplete response to SABA
3)     Absence of alternative explanation for symptoms and airflow limitation
Think about COPD in smokers, patients with symptoms of chronic bronchitis, a history of wheezing, recurrent CAP, and a reduction in exercise tolerance. Also, consider screening for alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency if:
·       The patient is <45 years of age
·       The patients has a predominance of basilar emphysema
·       There is a minimal or absent smoking history
·       There is a family history of “early onset COPD”
·       There is a known family history of alpha-1 anti-trypsin disease or associated liver disease
Winnipeg Criteria- An acute increase in 1 or more of the following cardinal symptoms:
       Cough increases in frequency and severity; Sputum production increases in volume and/or changes character; Dyspnea increases
Clinical History Pearls
JAMA: >70 pack yearà 95% SP, 40% SN, LR+ 8 for airflow limitation
o   Sputum: >1/4 cup per dayà 95% SP, 20% SN LR+4
o   Occupational history
o   Cough, Sputum (amt, most in AM, usually mucoid, appearance, hemoptysis), Exercise Tolerance, Dyspnea, Ischemia Heart Disease, HTN, OSA/OHS, previous VTE disease, FHx lung disease or cirrhosis, cognitive change, fatigue (hypercarbia!)
o   Symptoms & pattern of onset: dyspnea, chronic cough, sputum
o   Earliest: exertional dyspnea
o   Other: wheezing, chest tightness, cough syncope (vagal)
o   Constitutional symptoms: NS, weight loss (>10% in 6mn), diffuse arthralgia and myalgia
AECOPD: infectious symptoms, medication compliance, lifestyle/environmental (dust, pollutants, cold air), PE, CHF/pulmonary edema, progression of disease, ACS, pneumothorax, post-op
Physical Exam
Early on: normal +/- prolonged expiration or wheezes on forced exhalation
With increased severity of obstruction: hyperinflation signs
·       Increased resonance on percussion (hyper-resonance): SN 32%, SP 94%, LR+ 4.8
·       Barrel Chest (increased AP diameter): SN 10%, SP 99%, LR+ 10
·       Decreased Cardiac Dullness on Percussion: SN 13%, SP 99%, LR+10
·       Match Test: requires patients to extinguish a lighted match held 10 cm from the open mouth. Failure to accomplish this is associated with a higher likelihood of airflow limitation. SN 61%, SP 91%, LR + 7.1
·       Sub-xiphoid cardiac impulse: SN 8%, SP 98%, LR+4.6
·       Pulsus Paradoxus (>15 mm Hg): SN 45%, SP 88%, LR+ 3.7
·       FEV1>9 seconds LR+ 4.8
·       Maximum laryngeal height <4cm; the distance measured between the top of the thyroid cartilage to the suprasternal notch at end of expiration: LR+ 2.8
End-Stage: may adopt positions to relieve dyspnea
o   Lean forward with arms outstretched and weight supported on palms or elbows
o   Accessory respiratory muscles (anterior scalene, SCM)
o   Expiration through pursed lips
o   Paradoxical retraction of lower interspaces during inspiration (Hoover’s sign)
o   Cyanosis;
o   Asterixis (course, non-intentional, 4-6 beats/minute) due to hypercapnia
o   Cor pulmonale (elevated JVP, tender enlarged liver)—increased intra-thoracic pressure
o   Clubbing-NOT TYPICAL! (it is associated with ILD, Lung CA, bronchiectasis)

Consider DDx: CHF, PE, Pneumoia, Aspiration, Metabolic, etc
Optimize lung function

1.OXYGEN & IV Access: supplemental O2 (target SpO2 88-92%); reduce pulm artery vasoconstriction, improve cardiac output
-Venture mask: preferred, to permit precise delivery of FiO2; can use nasal prong delivery for feeds
-Inability to correct hypoxemia with low dose FiO2: consider PE, CHF, ARDS, pulmonary edema, Acute Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP), severe CAP
-Re-assess frequently
2. GOALS of CARE: Discuss, as you may need NIPPV or Intubation/ICU management
o   INH SA BRONCHODILATORS (Beta-agonists & anti-cholinergics)
o   Ventolin: 2.5 mg NEB INH q1-4h PRN OR 4-8 puff by MDI with spacer q1-4h (while awake) prn
o   Atrovent: 500 mcg NEB q4h prn; 2 puff (18 mcg/puff MDI) with spacer q4h (while awake) prn
o   MDI vs NEB: during AECOPD, NEB may be easier to use
NOTE: in RCTs, NEBs are no more effective than MDI (when used properly!)
o   STEROIDS: decrease Length of Stay (0.5-2 days) & reduce treatment failure
o   Oral: rapid absorption, complete bioavailability, equally efficacious to IV
o   GOLD: 30-40 mg PO daily x 5 days
o   REDUCE TRIAL: compared 40 mg PO daily x 5 days vs 14 days—extending treatment duration did NOT reduce risk of recurrent exacerbation
o   ANTIBIOTICS: indicated (i.e. Cefuroxime, Azithromycin, Levofloxaxin); some meta-analysis data suggest that Abx reduce treatment failure among inpatients, shorten LOS, and reduce mortality
o   MUCOACTIVE AGENTS: little evidence to support N-acetylcysteine
o   Chest Physiotherapy: many techniques have NOT been shown to be beneficial…
-Trial may be needed in patients with AECOPD
-Indications: pH<7.3, RR>25, use of accessory muscles, hypoxemic *(must be alert, no facial trauma, no UBIG/Aspiration risk/copious secretions, HD instability, etc)
-R/A frequently and if no improvement in 30 min-1 h, move to intubation if goals of care allow
6. DVT Prophylaxis!
o   Education: Symptoms of AECOPD
o   Smoking cessation
o   Vaccinations: pneumovax, annual influenza vaccine
o   Exercise tolerance/rehabilitation
o   Review of puffer technique
o   Review of triggers
o   Treat other contributing illnesses or conditions (dysphagia, aspiration-SLP, GERD, etc)
o   Screen: Follow up with PFTs, 6 minute walk test, monitor BMI* (better outcome with less in patient admissions with overweight or normal weight)
o   LA agents: i.e. LA anti-cholinergic (Spiriva), LABA + ICS (Symbicort-budesonide & formoterol; 2 puff BID), SABA prn
o   Home O2 assessment with specific delivery of O2
o   PaO2< 55 mg Hg, or <60 mm Hg with cor pulmonale or Hct>56%

Some useful papers & links: